Friday, June 08, 2012

Youth Leadership Training Program 2012

The Youth Leadership Training Program was held to establish and equip emerging leaders from among REACH's collegiate and young professionals to be the next generation of leaders in the ministry. The theme was Radical to the Core as the rallying cry for young leaders to be radically committed to the core of their being to follow Christ — the core and heartbeat of discipleship and disciple making (Phil. 1:21). It was held in Silang, Cavite south of Manila on May 6-19. Afterward, the trainees led the high school summer camp.

YLTP trainees, staff and several speakers.

The training was held at a compound that houses a technical school for out-of-school youth and missionaries of Action International. 

Out of 24 major topics, Tina spoke on Burden Bearing and the Vella Method of Planning, while I spoke on Performance Orientation, Handling Emotions and two sessions on Bible study methods.

Topics dealt with personal issues, ministry perspective and ministry skills. 

Trainees work on assignments in small groups to help reinforce what they learned from the topics.

Jonathan records observations on the first half of Isaiah 43 during the topic on studying a chapter or passage from the Bible.

Kevin and Rocelyn hold up a synthetic chart of Jonah made by their group during the topic of studying a book of the Bible.

Trainees wrote the main lessons they learned during the YLTP on pieces of a paper puzzle.

"Boy-Girl Relationship" was a popular topic that the trainees continued on their own.

Trainees planted a few fruit trees in the compound where the training took place after the topic on Stewardship of the Environment. We hope it will provide delicious fruit for those who live at the compound for years to come.

Team building was held during a hike to an island inside the Taal Volcano in Tagaytay.

Most of the trainees are involved in their local ministry areas of REACH. Left to right: Rocelyn, Bhong, Genesis and T.J.

Tina, Alma and Espie during a formal dinner after a topic on Social Graces led by Espie.

Team leaders and the YLTP staff after an RnR and evaluation of the training.

Trainees and alumni (on hand for a reunion) of previous training programs commit to be involved in Kingdom building and disciple making activities of REACH. 

Topics included:

  • Bitter Roots
  • Forgiveness
  • How We See God
  • Performance Orientation
  • Burden Bearing
  • Heart of Stone and Inner Vows
  • Shame
  • Handling Emotions
  • Evangelism
  • Stewardship of the Environment
  • Social Relevance
  • Financial Transparency and Accountability with Ministry Money
  • Qualities of Biblical Leaders
  • Doctrine
  • Balancing Family and Work with Ministry Calling
  • Social Graces
  • Mentoring
  • The Vella Method of Planning
  • Personal Bible Study Methods
  • How to Facilitate a Discussion Group
  • How to Deliver a Message
  • Handling Conflicts in Ministry
  • Blessings and Rewards of Following Christ
  • Final Challenge: Radical to the Core

High School Camp 2012

The high school camp was held on May 20-23 at Lemery, Batangas. The camp staff was comprised mostly of the trainees from the Youth Leadership Training Program. A few "oldies" like us were around if needed, but the trainees did fine.

Trainees from the YLTP developed the topics and activities for the high school summer camp and facilitated the discussions.

A topic on Obedience included walking blindfolded with instructions from group-mates to avoid stepping on objects placed along a maze on the floor. 

A high schooler writes out a verse for the scripture memory contest, which was fashioned after a relay, involving teams.

Patrick and Dyna both attended Bible study at our house when they were high schoolers. Patrick works for a major food and beverage company. Dyna works for a leading accounting and auditing firm. Both took time off from work to help with the camp. Dyna still attends bible study with Tina.
Children of two families who are leaders in REACH.
Campers must one-by-one blow flour out of a bowl to get a slip of paper with instructions for the next leg of the Amazing Race.

Another challenge in the Amazing Race.

Campers must fill the bottle with water from the sea. Dana in the upper right of the picture is our nephew's daughter.

Dave, our nephew's son, must pull (with his lips and tongue) a piece of candy tied to the end of a string to his mouth.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

High School Camp 2010

Below are additional photos of REACH's high school summer camp held April 16-18. About 65 students attended. The camp was held in Lemery, Batangas—two hours south of Manila.

Each day started with quiet time: prayer, God's Word.

The guys horsing around during a morning swim.

Patrick and Sierra (front row) attended Bible studies at our house when they were high schoolers. They both graduated from college this year. They serve along with several other college students as an older brother "kuya" and an older sister "ate" to the younger students.

Students learned about godly standards while watching videos about peer pressure and teen pregnancy. Each topic was followed up with small group discussions.

Campers performed skits based on the video lessons

Dana (wrapped in the towel with yellow flowers) is the daughter of Tina's nephew. This is her second time to attend the camp. She will be a freshman when the school year starts in June.

Dave (in the black shirt) is Dana's older brother. This is his third time to attend the camp. He's entering his junior year in high school.

A trust fall is where a person falls backward and trusts that his teammates will catch him. It illustrates both our need for one another and taking our hands off our own life and entrusting it into God's control and guidance.

Campers test their coordination on this obstacle course.

Amazing Race!

As the race continues, campers have to fill a can with water, however, they have to plug the holes with their fingers to keep the water from leaking out.

And the race goes on. Mother always said, "Eat your vegetables!"

Friday, October 31, 2008

Tina's Reflection on the Temple of God

After almost a month of adjustment in our stay in the U.S. back in 2005, I began to deeply listen to God's Word again (this is not always easy to do). As I read and meditated on 1 Kings chapters 3-8, I was amazed at how God answered King Solomon's prayer so generously. He only asked for wisdom but God gave him riches, honor and a long life in addition (1 Kings 3:8-15).

In chapter 6, God chose King Solomon to build His temple and it amazes me how precise God's instruction was when it came to every detail—the measurements of everything, the materials, etc.

I'm touched by the fact that God chose King Solomon to build His temple and how blessed King Solomon was. And as I was reflecting about it, I asked, "Why him?" I was a little envious. But the Lord God just whispered in my heart in a loving voice and said, "You know Tina, as I have chosen King Solomon to build my temple, I have also chosen you. I no longer live in a temple, I now live in the hearts of people. And I want you to build those people. That's what you have been doing and I want you to continue to do. Remember the calling I gave you in John 15:16 when you changed your profession in the early 80s? You overlooked verse 17. Don't worry as I have provided for King Solomon generously, I will provide for your needs." Once again the Lord reminded me of another promise in Phil. 4:19 before I left my career and became full-time in the ministry.

The life of King Solomon inspired me to continue on with what I have been doing as I involve myself in the lives of people. Sometimes I have wondered if God has another assignment for me to do. But God made it clear to me that this is my calling and I will continue to do it by God's grace.

Now I can say that God is faithful and true to His promises (Ps. 37:23-26).

Praise and thank God!! Glory belongs to Him!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Scouting for A Camp Site

On July 19, the high school ministry team visited a Christian camp site for next year's summer camp. The camp is located in Batangas, a province south of Manila. It sits on a terraced hill that stretches down to a flowing river. The students can look forward to new experiences, such as sleeping in tents on the terraced slope and a trek through the river. The high school team will return early next year for a trial run.

Before we left the camp, we read Scriptures and prayed over our new National Youth Coordinator, Jerry Francisco. Jerry is a product of REACH's high school ministry, worked for a number of years as a technical assistant in the REACH office, and served in the REACH high school ministry. He will be encouraging local REACH ministries to establish their own high school ministries and coordinate national activities for the youth in REACH.

We ended our time before going back to Manila eating Vietnamese food at Bawai Restaurant in nearby Tagaytay City. We had an enjoyable time of fellowship and trying out new food. 

The school year is now underway, and the high school team will be gearing up to reach out to new students while following up students from the previous two years. Please pray for wisdom from the Holy Spirit to guide the team in the coming weeks and months.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Communications Work

That's Dave in the foreground taking video coverage of the ministry elders praying over Dr. Paul Pasicolan who stepped forward to be REACH's national director. This is just one of the tasks Dave performs as a communications specialist for REACH, Inc.

Dave came to the Philippines in September 1992 to help set up a communications department for REACH, Inc. He takes pictures and videos of ministry events, interviews people and writes reports on activities, and does the layout for the ministry's quarterly newsletter. He also designs brochures, assists with the Bible study materials, and writes for other promotional needs of the ministry. 

Looking back, he can see how God prepared him for this ministry and is thankful to give back to God the talents and abilities He gave him.
Summer Training Program in Butuan City

Tina and I were among 22 resource speakers at REACH's one-month collegiate training program. The program was held outside Butuan City in northern Mindanao.

We spoke on five topics during the first week: Tina spoke on Intimacy With God and how important it is to prioritize God in one's life and shared her own experiences in how she learned to do this. She also spoke on Basic Trust—how trust is built during various developmental stages and how it can be broken and restored. I spoke on Verse Analysis (how to study a verse of the Bible), Devotional Journaling and News Writing.

It was a refreshing time to see God's beautiful creation all around us, to visit with ministry leaders from Mindanao whom we don't get to see as often, and mingle with the students.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

REACH High School Summer Camp

Fifty-one students from four ministry areas in Luzon attended the summer camp. The camp was held at the Bayside Bible Camp in Lemery, Batangas on April 11-13. The theme was based on Psalm 119:9, 11. Students learned about setting godly standards in their relationships, taking a stand as Joseph did when tempted, and prioritizing God’s Word like Joshua. They also learned about prayer, obedience to authorities, and stewardship.

Tina helped with many of the details leading up to the camp and led one of the quiet time groups in the morning. Dave led a topic on Devotional Journaling for the college students who attended and helped during the praise and worship times and the games.

It’s always encouraging to see the students' joy and enthusiasm.